Education in Germany
On popularity at our citizens German takes the second position in a rating after English. German everything becomes more popular not only because of political aspects, but also for the reason that Schiller’s language becomes language of businessmen.
Quite recently in Germany the TNS Infratest institute carried out market research where image of Berlin in the world was defined. Respondents who occupy executive positions in 12 countries of the world, often put the capital of Germany on the first place on an indicator "Business".
As to our country, it is considered that branches of German firms openly today more than, for example, English or French. Therefore also popularity of German language courses at us grows, but to study it, certainly, better in Germany.
Than study abroad – in Germany is better?
First, to study any foreign language in that country, where it native, much more simply, more effectively and more interestingly.
Secondly, training in Germany allows to study language in the real German atmosphere, to experience all nuances of language designs, and also to study culture of the country, to communicate in an informal situation to native speakers, for example, on the Cologne carnival or during Long night of museums (Lange Nacht der Museen).
Thirdly, for those who wants to tighten simply knowledge of language on vacation, Germans «by kindness sincere» will offer in a week of 25-30 occupations with homeworks on reading, on understanding of German speech, on the letter, grammar and on formation and improvement of skills of conducting debates on various subjects. By the way, performance of homeworks – is obligatory.
Training in Germany according to children’s and youth language programs
If to speak about features of summer nurseries or youth language programs on German studying, they are distinguished by intensity. Germans consider that the summer sun and desire should not have a rest to influence minds of those who decided to study language seriously. Therefore to enjoy the sun and heat it is necessary during other time.
Children’s programs, as well as teenage, provided about 25 occupations in a week, youth – 30 lessons. Training in Germany during vacation time is under construction without any discounts for rest. During training the letter, reading, a grammatical material and audition are acquired.
Programs provided daily performance of homeworks, after all German of levity does not suffer. But loadings are considered by drawing up of a day diet (in the majority of the centers of children feed 5 times a day) and leisure (excursions, sports outdoor games, parties are provided).
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