Education abroad: the best universities of Germany (part ІІІ)
The Rhine university of the city of Bonn bears a name of his founder – the Prussian king Friedrich-Wilhelm III who has opened university in 1818. In spite of the fact that in the "Focus" rating it appears as the best in area of teaching of geography, the edition also notes that it has very good indicators on the mathematics, natural sciences, management and economy.
It, perhaps, the unique higher education institution in Germany where teaching of divinity is conducted at two separate faculties – Catholic and protestansky theology. Besides at Bonn university there are faculties of the right and economy, medicine, arts, mathematics and natural sciences and agriculture. Here over 27000 students are trained.
Two names of the Nobel winners are entered in history of university – Wolfgang Paul (1989, physics) and Reinhard Zelten (1994, economy).
Alternatively to Bonn on geography teaching "Focus" calls Humboldt’s Berlin university and university of Heidelberg.
It is symbolical that the political science is best of all for studying at the Free university of Berlin which has arisen in 1948 alternatively to the Berlin university of Humboldt, remained in a zone of responsibility of the Soviet armies, and then become the main higher education institution of GDR. The arisen competition proceeds still, and by number of students they do not concede each other. At Free university 35000 students, and at university to them Humboldt – 354000 are.
At Free university of 12 faculties (physics, biology, physics and pharmaceutics, business and economy, sciences about the earth, pedagogics and psychology, stories and cultural science, the rights, mathematics and informatics, medicine, philosophy and the humanities, political science and social sciences, veterinary medicine), university to them Humboldt – eleven (the rights, agriculture and gardening, 2 faculties of mathematics and natural sciences, the medicine, four faculties of arts and the humanities, theology, economy and business administration).
Political science at Free university of Berlin teach on the basis of the institute bearing a name of Otto Zur, the ex-burgomaster of the Western Berlin. Its alternative are universities of Heidelberg, Munich and Tyubingen.
The university of Bielefeld is higher education institution new. It was created in 1969 on the basis of the Higher pedagogical school. And in a rating he won the nominations "pedagogics" and "social sciences". On 18000 students here thirteen faculties: biology, chemistry, historical sciences, philosophy and theology, health care, linguistics and literary criticism, mathematics, pedagogics, physics, psychology and sports disciplines, right, sociology, technical, managements and economy.
It is one of few German higher education institutions having separate faculties of sociology and pedagogics. The last, according to experts, is the best not only on training in Germany, but also in all Europe.
Despite the relative youth, university of Bielefeld it is noted by own Nobel winner. In the 1990th years Reynkhard Zelten who has got in 1994 a premium on economy, was engaged in researches at university Institute of mathematical researches of economy.
The closest competitors of Bielefeld on pedagogics and sociology are universities of Munich, Freyburga, to it Gumbolda and Constance.
The Karlsruhe university based in 1825 is the oldest Higher technical school of Germany and the fourth by date of creation in Europe after the Parisian Polytechnical school (Ecole polytechnique), the Prague Polytechnical institute (CVUT Prag) and the Vienna Technical university (TU Wien). At university eleven faculties are: mathematics, physics, chemistry and biological sciences, humanitarian and social sciences, architecture, construction, geosciences and environmental protection, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering and technology, electro – and information equipment, informatics, management and economy.
The faculty of the informatics which has won a rating of "Focus", is one of the largest in the country. From 18000 students over 2000 people here are trained. 200 scientists also work at faculty and teach 27 professors.
Among the Nobel winners concerning this higher education institution, – Fritz Haber (chemistry, 1918), Jean-Marie Len (chemistry, 1987), Lavoslav Ruzhichka (medicine, 1950), Herman Shtaudinger (chemistry, 1953), Ferdinand Brown (physics, 1909).
Direct rivals of Karlsruhe university on informatics the edition calls Technical university of Munich, Technical university of Darmstadt, the Higher technical school of Aachen, university of Saarbruecken.
Where still to learn германистику, as not at the Berlin university based by great humanist Humboldt, for the first time in world history united training of students and scientific activity of professors under one roof. The Berlin university actually opened in 1810 which has received a late name of his ideological inspirer, exemplified creation of classical universities around the world, and in Germany him call «mother (in German university of a feminine gender) all modern universities».
The list of the Nobel winners of university to them Humboldt more than is impressive. It is opened by the university professor Jacob Vant-Goff who has received an award in chemistry in 1901, the first year of award of awards. In a year Theodor Momzen who has become the first German winner in literature was awarded. On medicine Robert Koch (1905), in chemistry Emil Fischer (1902), Walter Nernst (1920) and Otto Khan (1944) was marked out. Most Nobelevsikh winners – 29 – got a premium for achievements in the field of physics. Among them Albert Einstein and Max Planck.
Ludwig-Maksimilian’s noted by the magazine for teaching англистики the Munich university, is much older than the eminent colleague. It was based in 1472 and bears a name of his founders.
It is the largest higher education institution not only to measures of Germany, but also Europe. 46000 students here study and 700 professors In higher education institution of 18 faculties work: Catholic and evangelic theology, right, management, economy, medicine, veterinary science, history and art criticism, philosophy, theory of a science, religious studies, psychology and pedagogics, cultural science, foreign languages and literary criticism, social sciences, mathematics, informatics and statistics, physics, chemistry and pharmaceutics, biology, geosciences.
In the list Nobel лауретов, studying or working at university, 26 surnames. Theodor Hensh appears the last. He got a premium in 2005 together with American John Hollom "for development of precision laser spectroscopy, in particular – for methods of combinational laser spectroscopy in an optical range". In general in the list physics, chemists and physicians prevail.
As rivals of the Munich university in teaching англистики "Focus" calls universities of Freyburga, Hesse, Erlangen, Nuremberg and Free универсиетт Berlin.
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