Education abroad: the best universities of Germany (part І)
Being based on poll of 1000 deans, 2500 scientists, and also an index of citing of scientific works, the Fokus magazine made a rating of the best higher education institutions of Germany of 2007. In calculation successes of this or that higher education institution in the field of training, and also carrying out scientific researches on twenty main subjects were accepted. The index of citing was prepared by the American research institute Thomson Scientific by the special order of the magazine.
On set of all indicators the edition recognized Technical university of Munich as the best university of the country. It is followed by Ludwig-Maksimilian’s Munich university. Also in group of leaders of the higher education "Focus" included universities of Freyburga, Heidelberg, Constance, university to them Humboldt and higher education institutions of Mannheim, Tyubingen, Stuttgart, Bonn and Karlsruhe.
On prepodavayemy disciplines Albert-Ludwig’s Freyburgsky university won first place on training of law and history, Mangeymsky university – on management and business economics and the general economy.
In the field of biology, physics and mathematics Ruprecht-Karlsa Heidelberg university, medicine and chemistry – the Munich technical university, informatics – Karlsruhe university, psychology – Constance university is recognized as the first.
On geography Friedrich-Wilhelm’s Bonn university, on political science – Free university of Berlin, on sociology and pedagogics – university of Bielefeld became the best higher education institution of the country.
The best on германистике the magazine called the Berlin university of a name of Humboldt, history – university of Freyburga, англистике – Ludwig-Maksimilian’s Munich university.
The based Gabsburgami in 1457 Albert-Ludwig’s Freyburgsky university at the end of XIX – the beginning of the XX century turned into city university, and the number of students increased with two hundred to two thousand.
Freyburgsky university – the real smithy of Nobel prize winners. In its walls studied or worked Friedrich von Hayek (economy, 1974), Paul Ehrlich (medicine, 1908), Robert Barani (medicine, 1914), Adolf Vindaus (medicine, 1928), Hans Shpeman (medicine, 1935), Phillip Hench (medicine, 1950), Hans Krebs (medicine, 1953), George Kohler (medicine, 1984), Henry Wiland (chemistry, 1927), Gyorgy de Hevesha (chemistry, 1943), Herman Shtaudinger (chemistry, 1953), Mario Molina (chemistry, 1995).
Now in higher education institution 21500 students are trained and 11 faculties are: theology, the right, economy and behavioural sciences, medicine, philology, the humanities, mathematics and physics, chemistry, pharmacy and sciences about земеле, biology, forestry and a science about environment and applied sciences.
It is classical university in which it is possible to study the vast majority of the academic disciplines. The students participating in poll, in addition note the higher education institution for excellent service, and also for a rich library stock.
For receipt on law entrants should have high points on mathematics, German and a foreign language. As alternative higher education institutions for right studying "Focus" calls universities of Heidelberg, Munich Ludwig-Maksimilliana, Muenster, Cologne and Humboldt’s Berlin university.
Probably, the reason of that the Mangeymsky university, became the best both in management and business economics, and in the general economy, is covered that the higher education institution even from the moment of creation in 1778 reflected as commerce school for children of dealers. Later it turned into the Higher school of trade, then in the Higher school of the economy which has received in 1967 the status of university.
The university of Mannheim is considered higher education institution small. At its five faculties – economy and the rights, business, social sciences, the humanities, mathematics and informatics – only 15000 students are trained.
The German press compares Mannheim to such known universities, as the London school of economy, lozansky International institute on development of management (IMD), Barcelonian School of administration (ESADE), the Parisian Higher school of commerce (HEC).
Students allocate a strong mathematical component in economy teaching, and also existence of a large number of specializations in the field of management. The selection committee of higher education institution on these specialties prefers candidates with good marks on mathematics, German, and also informatics and philosophy.
In the list of universities where also well teach management and economy, "Focus" notes universities of Munich, Muenster and Cologne.
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