10 councils at a choice of English courses abroad
So, you decided to study English in one of the countries where this language is native. Ireland, Great Britain, USA, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and so on. As what image to choose this or that country?
Your choice should be defined by your own priorities and plans for the future. Why you want to study English? Whether language for further study abroad is necessary to you? If so, in what country you plan to study? Or English to you is necessary to promote in the country?
In this case the most important criterion — it what option of English is used more often in this area, the American option can will the most optimum? If is not present, think, what form of English will be the most useful and accepted for your future work.
10 councils for a school choice:
1. Choose the country which is pleasant to you most of all. If you always wanted to live in the USA or in Canada, dare. Let conversations on problems with the visa do not stop you: to receive the visa still it is quite real, though it and can take more time. However, if to you to liking the English way of life, best of all approaches Great Britain or Ireland. If you thirst for something unusual, look narrowly at Australia and New Zealand.
2. Choose the city of the correct size. If you got used to live in the big and noisy city, the small cities – not the best choice. On the other hand, big cities can represent a certain problem: life in them will manage to you more expensively, it is necessary to be reconciled with transport problems and higher crime rate. Probably, you will prefer the city of the average sizes — having enough of cultural and entertaining institutions and at the same time not too big.
3. The basic rule says: avoid places where you for certain will face a great number of the people speaking in your language. You should find English language courses on which students from all over the world will be engaged, instead of where students from one or two countries dominate.
4. Certainly, it is necessary to consider and such factor as the price, however be careful with small schools and programs. They can be good, but always there is a probability of that low cost of courses is defined by low wages of teachers. And it means that similar occupations are conducted by teachers with the minimum experience and low qualification. At the same time it does not mean that expensive programs — the best, but I consider that the cheapest programs precisely the worst.
5. Be convinced that the school is located in the good, safe area and possesses all necessary conditions for study.
6. Be convinced that teachers have sufficient qualifications and the international experience.
7. Ask, what support is rendered by school with accommodation. Whether there are rooms in the student’s residence? Whether accommodation in a family is available? If is not present, whether the personnel of school can help you with apartment search?
8. Learn that the school can make to help you with communication with native speakers.
9. Find out details of the program and look, whether it corresponds to your requirements. For example, if English is necessary to you for further study, the academic program will be just that is necessary.
10. Ask, whether you can talk directly to two or three students from your country, being trained at this school. It will give you chance to learn the truth about school and programs. The good school will be glad to connect you with students: if the personnel opposes to it or thinks out excuses, look for other school.
Language studying — this huge investment of time, money and energy therefore it is necessary for you to make a right choice. Collect all information on schools before decide. It is better to spend right at the beginning a little more time to be sure that you chose the correct place!
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