A. Accuracy Check . Distance Education


B. Vocabulary and Key Concepts

1. setting foot

2. instruction/separated

3. correspondence

4. accredited/community

5. upgrade/continuous

6. budget crunches

7. access/technology

8. modes/vary

9. via mail/download

10. residency

11. dropout/traditional

12. unscrupulous/alluring

13. credentials

D. Notetaking Preparation

1. Deciphering Notes

a. No, many distance education programs have residency require­ments.

b. No, admission requirements are the same as for on-campus pro­grams.

c. Three examples of computer requirements that online study might require are the latest version of Windows, a microphone, and a modem. (Answers may vary.)

d. Students are more likely to complete traditional programs than distance education programs. (Dropout rate is higher for distance education.)

2. Rhetorical Cues

a. 2

d. 6

b. 5

e. 3

c. 1

f. 4

II, LISTENING___________________________________________________

A First Listening

Major Subtopics

ST1 reasons why distance education is growing so rapidly

ST2 how distance education works, that is, what the modes of delivery are

ST3 some things people considering distance education need to be aware of


A. Accuracy Check

1. by time and by distance

2. by correspondence (by mail)

3. 1892

4. 90%

5. at the same time

6. (Answers may vary.)

7. No (There are time limits.)

8. No (They are about the same.)

9. cable modem, DSL

10. No (The dropout rate is higher for distance education courses and programs.)


1. ownership/property

2. free enterprise

3. interfere/laissez-faire

4. contracts/national defense

5. control/comply with

6. income/public assistance/welfare

7. competitive/antitrust/monopoly

8. stability

9. taxation/inflation

10. unemployment/balance

11. expenditures/interest

12. conservative/favor

13. static/composition

a. No. They were suspicious of strong central government.

b. The Confederation was unable to solve many problems facing the new nation and needed a stronger central government.

c. None. In a laissez-faire economy, the government does not inter­fere with the economy.

d. The government imposed an income tax for the first time. After the Civil War, the government had money for internal improve­ments to the country.

D. Notetaking Preparation

1. Prelecture Reading

B. Vocabulary and Key Concepts

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